

The aim of Waverton Pre-school is to provide high quality care and education for all children below statutory school age.

Our Objectives

  • To deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage.
  • To offer appropriate play facilities, together with the right of parents to take responsibility for and to become involved in the activities of Pre-school, ensuring that we offer opportunities for all children whatever their race, culture, religion, means or ability.

What we do:

  • Have fun and learn in a safe and caring environment.

Our group is:

  • Ofsted Inspected. (Rated "Good" June 2012)
  • Works within policies, set by parents and staff.
  • Delivers the Early Years Foundation Stage as set out by the DES.
  • I.CAN accredited for speech and language excellence.
  • Provide equal opportunities for all.

Opening Hours

Held in the Scout Headquarters within Waverton School grounds
Monday 9am-3pm
Tuesday 9am-3pm
Wednesday 9am-12pm
Thursday 9am-3pm
Friday 9am-3pm

We have been established since 1989 and are run by a committee of parents and maintain a high level of qualified, experienced, valued and  permanent staff.


When your child is nearly 2 1/2  or 3 we will contact you to make arrangements for you and your child to attend for a morning session.  This will enable you both to become more familiar with the workings and ethos of the school. 
Children can attend full or part days. The days your child attends Pre-School are determined by you and the number of children already attending on that particular day.


Children are offered a healthy snack and a drink of water or milk. Snack time is a social period where children are encouraged to chat, use manners be independant and help each other.

Parental involvement

Waverton Pre-School is an active member of the Pre-school Learning Alliance, we need and encourage parental involvement.  We value the input from parents and carers and so operate a rota system to assist staff in the day to day running of the sessions.  This enables parents/carers to help staff and also observe their own child.  More details are available in the enrolment pack. We are a well resourced group, due to an actively involved fundraising committee, run by parents.  Parents enjoy social events together.

Building Bridges Sessions

This is run at Waverton School from summer time and is for the children that are starting school in the next academic year.  The aim of this is to aid the smooth transition to “big school”. The children have the opportunity to meet their teacher and also to explore areas of school life that may be a little daunting to them such as the big playground, the new classroom etc.


The cost per hour is £3.60 per hour for 3 year olds and £4.25 for 2 1/2 year olds. There are 15 hour grant places available for all children the term after their third birthday.  In cases of special need please speak to our Treasurer or Supervisor in confidence when financial help may be made available.
Pre-School address
Waverton Pre-school
c/o Waverton Primary School,
Common Lane, Waverton, Chester CH3 7QT
Tel: 01244 332579
Mobile:  07986 004418

Supervisor:  Fiona Southerton

For further information please contact:-

Tel. 01244 332579
e-mail address:

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