Learning Together Achieving Together
At Waverton Primary School, we are proud to promote curiosity, enquiry and creativity through a challenging progressive curriculum where learning enables all children to fulfil their potential. We strive for educational excellence for all children by providing rich cultural experiences enabling all children to be ready for the next stage of their learning. We provide a quality and consistent education ensuring each child makes good progress and no child gets left behind. In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) we promote reading by ensuring that books are at the centre of our curriculum. We provide a combination of adult led and continuous play opportunities. We ensure that children are able to express themselves and display their deep learning through self-initiated play, encouraging children to develop positive attitudes and to reflect on their own learning. We ensure a secure foundation in learning and a love of books through well planned activities based on children’s interests which are assessed and reviewed regularly. We value the individual and are committed to an inclusive education promoting respect for all, working in partnership with parents, the local community, school governors and local pre-schools.
Staff working in the EYFS are : Mrs Angela Croft, Mrs Sarah Hughes, Mrs Anne Rushton and Mrs Helen Stanworth
For further information please see our half termly topic overviews attached.