Governor's Overview

Welcome to the Governor pages! Here you will find information about the role of governors and how we support school. You will also find information on who we are, and our schedule of meetings for the coming year. 


As Governors we have three main responsibilities:

Hold the Headteacher to account: We do this by monitoring the progress and outcomes for children at the school and by scrutinising and supporting decisions that are made.

Financial Responsibility: We do this by ensuring that the school budget is set appropriately, challenging and evaluating the impact of what is spent for our children.

Strategic Vision: We do this by ensuring that school development is placed to ensure the best outcomes for our children, we keep focus on the bigger picture and collectively steer the school to deliver these outcomes for children.

We are a very ambitious Governing Body is very ambitious for all children in school to ensure that we support them to reach their potential. We meet as a full governing body every half term and keep our eye to the school development plan and strategic issues/decisions that are required to be made, We act as critical friend and ensure that all options are explored in the best interest of the children and the best outcome is secured. In addition to these full meetings governors visit the school to support their role. This includes attending termly finance meetings with the local authoirity school finance officer, the school bursar and the headteacher, health and safety visits, meetings with the school SENDCo, curriculum linked visits,  termly meeting with DSL (designated safeguarding lead), meetings with deputy headteacher and the "School Parliament" as well as attending school assemblies and events.

Being a Governor is a very rewarding experience and can be a really good way to gain experience of working within a strategic position. If you are interested in working with the Governing Body, or becoming a Governor yourself we would like to hear from you.  


Mr Andy Devine

Chair of Governors


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