Reception 2024 - 2025

Mrs Croft

Mrs Rushton


Welcome to Reception Class

We are very much looking forward to getting to know your child and working with them in Reception this year. We would like to share a few details with you about how we work.

Mrs Croft will teach on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Mrs Rushton will teach on a Tuesday and Thursday. Mrs Hughes will be in class every day, finishing at lunchtime on a Friday when Mrs Stanworth will come in.


At the start of the year, children will choose a library book from the class book corner. We call this our ‘book for pleasure’.  Please share the book with your child and read several times together through the week. As the term progresses, the children will have a guided reading session, either individually or in a group, with a teacher or TA. Children will be assigned a ‘reading day’ when they will return the books they have read and will choose new books. This day may change throughout the year but we will let you know if this happens. We use a digital reading record, ‘Go Read’ we will send out the login details once the children have settled in. Please keep the children’s books in their bookbag throughout the week and ensure all books are returned. The children will receive new books once the previous weeks have been returned. Please keep water bottles out of the bookbags as we often have spillages!


PE will be on Thursday and Friday. Please could all children bring a named PE kit (black shorts, house colour polo shirt and trainers) in a small, named bag and leave it in school.


Children are expected to read regularly throughout the week. Little and often is usually best. Later in the half term, children will begin to get additional homework, this will link to the children’s learning. We use a home learning platform called ‘Seesaw’. Further information and login details will be sent out. Each week, we will let you know what the children have been learning in class through the Seesaw App.


We strive to have happy, motivated and well-behaved children. We have a behaviour system called ‘The Waverton Way’:

  • Be safe
  • Be ready
  • Be respectful


Our first topic this September is called ‘Only One You!’ We will be drawing pictures of ourselves and our family, learning each other’s names, making handprints, talking about how we are the same but different, reading stories and lots more. Our author is David McKee and we will read all of the much-loved Elmer books. Topic overviews are posted on our EYFS page.

If you would like to ask us anything through the week you are welcome to email the office at:

If you have any queries just catch us at the door or we would also be happy to speak to you at the end of the day, once the children have left.

We have found some useful videos for parents about early reading, writing and home learning, take a look by following the links below:

Tips on Home Learning

Early Reading

Early Writing

Further webpages that may be of interest:



BBC Bitesize

Science Experiments- Great Fun!

To find the free ebooks on OxfordOwls please see the instructions attached below. 

Oak National Academy is a great resource, you can adapt the learning to our topic. They provide some nice videos of teachers giving lessons- take a look!




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